Green is a common color that can be considered as the color of life which represents renewal, nature, and energy associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and the environment. It is said to have healing properties and is the most peaceful and calming color for the human eye to behold. This color occupies a larger portion of the visible spectrum and is the most common color in nature. Because we are so familiar with seeing it everywhere, it is a natural option in landscape architecture.
What are the benefits?
Green possesses a healing potential. Roger Ulrich, a healing garden researcher mentioned that “we have some type of inclination biologically since we have developed in nature, to respond to nature positively. Nature has been beneficial for us and we respond to surroundings that are advantageous to us in a positive way”. Many studies have shown that views of green have a rapid soothing impact following a stressful incident. This shows that simply viewing a green space through a window can reduce stress levels, provide a great distraction, and psychological comfort. Nature gives a break from the continual effort we make in our busy lives to block out competing stimuli. Therefore, we don't have to make an effort to focus when we're faced with natural sights since we find green naturally captivating. This relieves mental exhaustion and revitalizes the mind.
Green in Galleria Bandar Dato’ Onn
Due to the overwhelming benefits of the color green, Clouston Design naturally emphasizes its benefits on our projects. One of them is Galleria Bandar Dato’ Onn. It is a sales gallery nestled in the middle of a park. This development, located in the heart of Bandar Dato' Onn, is known as the "Jewel of Iskandar Puteri." The design is critical in emphasizing the lifestyle and ambiance, as well as serving as a tool for educating the community about green living. Greenery is used to complement the architecture with a sustainable design approach. Our landscape design emphasized planting arrangements in which layers and repetition are used to create the pattern. Vertically, with height variation, and horizontally, with plant masses along the ground plane, plant strata appear. The pattern can also develop when plants are used repeatedly or when a physical property of plants, such as shape, color, or texture, is repeated.
How do we contribute?
Furthermore, we emphasize symbiosis building. The goal of symbiosis building in harmony with nature is to bring humans and the environment together in ways that benefit both people and wildlife. We also want to increase awareness about the importance of our natural environment for our personal and the planet's well-being, as well as help us obtain Green Building Index (GBI) certification. This is also part of our initiative to reduce the unhealthy relationship between the built environment and greenery due to pollution, machine-dominated, dehumanizing, and environmentally unfriendly natures in this development era. The lush greenery that is tucked amongst the buildings is urban trees with a large crown, short trunk, and dense canopy ideally constructed to reduce the temperature and create a comfortable working environment for everybody. This encouraged the thermal comfort system to flow in the environment and between the buildings. At both ends of the butterfly-shaped park, a naturally created marsh, and pond mix in nicely with the surrounding greenery.
What are the statistics?
Apart from that, 60% of the area was covered with 28,700 shrubs and 522 trees were planted at the location. This action has benefited and positively impacted our environment by absorbing 25,056 pounds of carbon yearly. Imagine if we produced more of this kind of landscape architecture design at other places such as overseas or inside Malaysia itself. We believe that we will be one step closer to combating global warming. Moreover, we will also be able to create a healthy society mentally, physically, and emotionally when we promote green as the element to heal.
We hope that this post was beneficial for all in ensuring a brighter future for the next generation and generation now. We invite readers to email us regarding any topics you would like for us to write about. Till then, stay safe and spread the love!